
I am a Software Engineering major attending the Rochester Institute of Technology.

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About me.

I have been an avid programmer since middle school, with experience using Java, Python, and more. I am eager to learn and approach every problem with tenacity. I am excited to put my skills to work in a professional environment, as I enjoy solving problems on my own, as well as in collaboration with a team. My résumé shows both academic and extracurricular success, including several personal projects. I have also done a sizable amount of writing for the Super Smash Bros. community, including player blurbs which can be found throughout the most recent yearly rankings, as well as in the first issue of the Smash magazine MAJOR!



This is a webapp I made to make it easy for me and my girlfriend to keep track of cool things we want to do, and to help us decide what to do next!


This is an early attempt at creating a relational database for the purposes of making a Super Smash Bros. power ranking.

Contact me.

If you think that you have an opportunity that might be a good fit, or if you have any questions, please contact me using the information below.


+1 (347) 267-2507